Tuesday, May 30, 2006


It feels like a Monday today, but it is Tuesday. This week is gonna be nice and short cuz this Friday, we are off (flex day), which means this week is a 3-day work week. Hell yeah! I am so happy about that.

I am not happy about my sore throat though. I started getting a sore throat on Sunday and it has just gotten worse. I can't even talk without it hurting, so I have been trying to keep quiet and not talk (which is something people everywhere are probably glad to hear - hehe). Been sucking on Halls and ice cubes this morning. Ugh. I hate sore throats. Hate em!

My work computer has been s l o w this morning, which has been testing my patience, and I had very little patience to begin with. I had to restart it twice already. And my work phone is messed up too. The little red light which means I have a message is on and I have no messages. It is driving me nuts!!!!!!!

I can't wait for this day to be over.

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