Monday, October 16, 2006

Pain sucks knees!

Holy moly. Monday is over...thank the lord. I came to work today totally unmotivated. Well, it is Monday. What is there to be motivated about?? It was quiz day for the trainees, and as usual, I had written the quiz last week. But then the instructor wanted a food stamp bonus question on the quiz, so I had to think one up in about twenty minutes. Well, it usually takes me that long just to wake up and get my brain working. But I managed to squeeze one out of my was an easy one, and the trainees were not sure if they were being tricked or not, as it seemed too easy. Am I THAT mean??? lol. Naw. They were just lucky that I have slow morning brain

I had my second physical therapy session for my aching knee today. It went ok. Basically, they put a heat pack and some weird electode thingies on my knee and let it sit for about twenty minutes. Then they do an ultrasound massage on it where they put some freezing ass jelly liquid on my knee and rub it around with some electronic thing (the therapist that did on on Friday made me feel OHHHH so comfortable by telling me that she could burn the tissue inside my leg if she stopped moving the all means keep it moving, I told her!!!) Anyway, that crap is COLD! Then they make me do some stretching exercises, then the stationary bike. And last, they put some more cold shit on my knee called Biofreeze (I think that is what it is called). That crap is cold too, but it feels good at the same time. But it makes me smell like an odd mixture of BenGay and Vicks cough drops. Yeah, it is as nasty as I described. I just plain stink by the time I get out of there. I am sure I won't have to worry about any guys hitting on me after I come out of there. Unless they REALLY like the smell of Vicks. I haven't seen much of an improvement in my poor knee, and I just reaffirmed that feeling a few minutes ago when I attempted to get up out of this chair and felt a sharp, stabbing pain in the front of my knee that caused me to speak some rather bad words. I think I will sit here a few minutes longer before I try that again.

The doctor told me no hiking, long walks or running or anything strenuous for at least a month. That sucks. I want to go camping again in the next few weeks.

Pain sucks ass. Or in my case, pain sucks knees!

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