Thursday, October 12, 2006

Show the hot dog some respect, man

Well, I went to the doctor today about my lousy knee, and after a few x-rays it was decided that I would go to physical therapy. So I go for my 1st visit tomorrow afternoon. Whoop dee doo. Yeah. I am thrilled. Can't you tell? The x-rays showed that there is some bone loss in my knee. So I guess it is hurting for a reason. Oh, and get this. While I was there, they gave me a tetanus shot. I wasn't there to get a shot, but that is what I got. I went in for knee pain and I left with arm pain. Some trade off. My friggin arm is still sore where they gave me the shot. Painless my ass.

I hope they don't hurt me too much tomorrow. I am such a wuss.

On a completely unrelated note, I heard the stupidest thing ever said the other day on tv. I think it was on MTV, so the fact that it was stupid is not a big surprise. Well this dude was talking about competitive eating. He was going into a hot dog eating contest. And during the interview, he said this...(and I am paraphrasing cuz I don't remember the actual words, probably cuz I was too dumbfounded to think after I heard this)...

"You can die from eating too much. But I am a professional. And I think being a professional is all about not dying."

Yeah. That was a real gem of wisdom there, buddy. If being a professional is all about not dying, then I am a professional driver, a professional breather, and a professional bather. I am a professional "live-er". It's all about not dying after all. And since I am still alive.....well, you get my point.

I am also a professional smart-ass in case you were wondering.

By the way, this genius also said that he "respected the hot dog."

He's a real Einstein, that guy.

Maybe that's why he was on MTV and not CNN.

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