Monday, October 09, 2006

This and that and a little more of this and a tad more of that

Another weekend has passed. Which means tomorrow begins a new work week, and frankly, that makes me sad - lol. I didn't do anything today but work some on my digital scrapbooking and lounge around the house in my pj's all day. What a day! lol. I want some more pictures of Cyndi and her family (hint hint - hehehehehe) so I can make some more pages. Her kids are just the cutest!

The weather has gotten so nice. It is in the 70's in the daytime and in the 50's at night. I remember why I love fall so much. I love not having to run the A/C all day long. I love being able to wear sweats and slippers in the house at night. I love being able to keep the windows open all day. Why can't it be this way all year long?

I really don't have a whole lot to write about. I haven't been camping in a few weeks. Frankly, I have not had the energy to go camping and my knee hurts too much to go on a long hike. Ugh. The only bad thing about the weather getting cooler is its effect on my bones. Ouch. I was in a lot of pain earlier so I took some Ultracet and now I am nice and pain-free....until tomorrow - lol.

I hope to make another trip to Death Valley or Joshua Tree this fall. It was simply too hot to go earlier in the year, but now that it is October, it should be nice. I really wanna go to Zion National Park sometime too. We'll see. That is a lot of a longer drive than Death Valley or Joshua Tree - lol.

It is 9:30 now, and all I wanna do it crawl into my nice, cumfy bed and relax since I have been at this computer nearly all day long doing this and that. My butt is numb! lol Guess I better go let it de-numb now.

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