Monday, December 20, 2004

Fun Tests

I love online tests....they are soooo much fun. One of my favorite test sites is

They have fun tests, with really funny questions....according to the tests I have taken so far, I am 60% dateable, am 37% wench, and am 30% greedy.

According to the "untelligent test", I am ...

"78% Untelligent! You are one smooth chick! Your score is higher than the current worldwide average of 64%! Your score is unique, however, so keep reading.
Score Breakdown...
Here is the custom report of your personality than led our team of geeks to conclude (with confidence) that you are a resourceful and sly woman:
" The subject shows an astounding level of intelligence, and her sense of observation is one of her best qualities. Considering this, she shows a lot of potential, but that's only part of the equation.
Finally, the subject displayed a pathetic and useless (seriously bad) sense of humor, a nearly satanic lack of morality, and a hot-shot level of self-confidence. The balance of these three traits is important; high levels of confidence, medium levels of morality, and a good level of humor make for the strongest individuals. "

A nearly satanic lack of morality? Hmmmmm.....not sure what they mean there - lol.

Also, according to the personality test, I am...

"a Helper Who Finds Missing Children Over The Internet!(Submissive Introverted Concrete Feeler) You are a HELPER WHO FINDS MISSING CHILDREN OVER THE INTERNET (SICF). You are very tentative in the world and introverted with people— which means you are the shy and silent type (hence the Internet.) But behind your reserved exterior lies a dedicated person with a passion for the concrete truth who wants to, in his heart of hearts, help find missing children. God bless you."

- LOL! too funny!

I took the IQ test too, which was long...very long...and hard.... (ok - that sounds bad - lol)

The results have been tabulated, and your IQ is...
That's above average for your age and sex!
(Your IQ is calculated by comparing your raw test score against others of your age and sex. An IQ of 100 is exactly average. An IQ of 200 is twice as smart as the average person.)
Compared to other 32 year old females...
82% dumber than you — 2% as smart as you — 16% smarter than you

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