Sunday, February 06, 2005

Clowns are evil!

I was watching Poltergeist the other day, and remembered just why I think clowns are evil. Even before that clown went all mean and tried to kill Robbie in that movie, he still looked evil. Just seeing that clown doll sitting on a chain in the dark, with his frozen smile and unblinking eyes just gave me the creeps. But when he "came alive" and tried to kill that poor little kid, it just plain freaked me out. I think that was the only movie that truly scared me when I was a kid. I had a clown doll when I was a kid, and after I saw that movie, I made sure that he was always buried at the bottom of the toybox, so he could not get out. that sounds silly. But I was a kid, ok! (hehe) Even nowadays, clowns still give me the willies. And there is no wonder that so many scary movies have clowns in them.....Stephen King's It, Killer Klowns From Outer Space, To Catch a Killer (you know, that movie about John Gacy, who dressed up as a clown and killed people)... I rest my case. So if you see a clown, don't trust his painted on smile. He may not be what he appears to be....I am starting to wonder about mimes too... hehe

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