Saturday, February 12, 2005

Reality tv

Reality tv is an oxymoron... and my reasoning for that is that reality tv is not really reality (is it me, or where there entirely too many "r's" in that sentence? (lol). I just don't think people are really being "real" on those shows. I mean, they obviously know that that cameras are on them all of the time, and people tend to act differently when they are being videotaped or even getting their picture taken. I was watching The REAL World (another oxymoron - lol), and was thinking to myself, "what a bunch of idiots." They all get together in hot tubs, run around naked and fornicate constantly. It is like one big orgy on that show half of the time. And it has even spread to those reality dating shows. Instead of being all innocent like The Dating Game, these dating games on tv, like Blind Date, are getting more and more like soft porn - lol. I would never do half of the things on a first date that those people do. I guess I am more old fashioned or just old - lol. Anyway, I guess if you want to watch some mindless tv for entertainment, just to see how stupid people can possibly be, then check out The Real World or Blind Date. I do admit that I kind of like The Newlyweds, only because Jessica Simpson is so ditzy, but then, so am I, so maybe that is why I like it. I have my moments of less-than-smartness, so I can somewhat relate, although I do know what Chicken of The Sea is - lol.

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