Sunday, February 06, 2005

Hey all

Hey everyone (or to anyone who actually reads this - hehe),

I changed my template so now I am pink. How purty :) Also, I updated this blog so that anyone can post comments, not just peeps that have blog accounts. So, Arlene, if you want to make some snide comment about the whole Art and Arlene sitting in a tree thing that I wrote, you can - hehe. I am nice like that - LOL! Have a good day!

~ me

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Template Design By: Free Blogger Skins Blog Template modified using cu products by the following designers: Pixels and Ice Cream, Ashalee Wall, Bannerwoman, Chris Scrap, Kimb's Designs, Delicious Scraps, Cindy Doerksen, ACM Designz, Lolotte, Scrappin Cop, Julia Fialho, Thaty Borges, DigiWeb Studio, Teresa Taylor, TMS, One Scrappy Mom, Mitia Assef, Mercas Designs, DigiDesign Resort. Thanks!

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