Thursday, February 17, 2005

My favorite movies

I don't really have a top 10 or anything of my favorite movies, but if I had to list my 20 favorites of all time, these would be them...

1) Dr Strangelove (this is my #1 all time fav movie - all the rest are in no particular order)
2) The Evil Dead
3) Blood Simple
4) Young Frankenstein
5) Halloween
6) Blazing Saddles
7) Jaws
8) What's Up Tiger Lily?
9) Apocalypse Now
10) Fargo
11) The Big Lebowski
12) The Black Stallion
13) A Clockwork Orange
14) To Kill A Mockingbird
15) Shrek
16) Monty Python and The Holy Grail
17) Clerks
18) Unforgiven
19) Fight Club
20) The Shawshank Redemption

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