Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Doldrums and Ho-Hums

It is Wednesday ... Hump Day, and I should be happy about that. Well, I am, kinda, but on the other hand, I don't even care. I am so tired today, even though I slept pretty well last night. I did have a weird ass dream though. I dreamt that I was walking through a forest or some kind of wilderness area with some people, and we saw a big rattlesnake ahead. I, along with all but one of the other people ran away from the snake, but this one stupid girl wanted to take a picture of it, so she got closer. And guess what...the snake bit her... sounds like a normal dream, huh. Well this is where it got weird. The snake not only bit her, but also started to swallow her while she was screaming for help, and then her body started to melt away, and pretty soon all that was left of her was a pool of girl soup. It was gross! And it was kinda scary. And very weird.

My doctor FINALLY returned my call about the referral I need to see an opthamologist. It only took them 2 weeks! UGH! But now, I have to go to the doctor on Monday because I haven't been to my primary care physician since 2003. I don't get sick much - lol. Oh well. At least they finally called back.

I got a postcard in the mail from my Ob/Gyn saying that my pap test was normal. I know this doesn't sound like a big deal, but after nearly 2 years of abnormal paps, this, to me, is a reason to celebrate!! No biopsies for me this time!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!

I wish it was time to go home. I want a nap! I am getting old I guess - lol.

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