Monday, July 18, 2005

It is HOT!

Beware... time for some bitching...

It is HOT. Damn hot! I think if you went outside right now, you could fry an egg on the sidewalk. Yes, it is that hot. It is 105 degrees outside right now. I know...I know...I am sitting here at work right now, so it shouldn't even matter since it is air-conditioned in here. Well, guess what! The air conditioning is BROKEN upstairs, so it is a sweltering mess up there. Thank gosh I work downstairs! But it is still pretty warm down here too. I think all that hot air is traveling down here. Hmmmmm.......... it could be worse. I could be working outside. I feel so sorry for all the construction workers and people who have to work outside. Everytime I go by anyone who is outside working, I want to hand them a glass of ice cold lemonade - lol. It is supposed to stay in the triple digits until Sunday or so. It is gonna be a long week.

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