Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Stupid News Story of The Day

(Hands off my gnome!)

Mystery of Missing Garden Gnomes Puzzling

GREELEY, Colo. - The mystery of the missing garden gnomes may prove harder to solve after all.

Police found about 80 of the pint-sized figurines stashed in black plastic bags and surrounded by youngsters on Saturday, but investigators don't think the children stole them.

In fact, Sgt. Dave Adams said the children most likely found them, so it's back to square one.

Adams said police will call people who reported their gnomes stolen to come identify the decorative yard items.

Elsie Schnorr, who had 30 gnomes stolen from her front lawn more than a month ago, will be among the first to retrieve her property.

"I could identify every one of them. My name isn't on them, but I know which ones are mine. Most of mine are one-of-kind," she said.

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