Sunday, August 21, 2005

Blast From The Past

The Rubik's Cube...that thing that annoyed the heck out of you when you were a kid. Some people (you know who you were!) actually peeled the stickers off of the cube and put them in the right place and then told their friends that they solved the danged puzzle...I actually did solve the puzzle....after like a week! I was never one of those "Rubik's Masters" that could finish it in less than a minute (the freaks!). Followed by the Rubik's Cube, came the Pyramid, Rubik's Rings, Rubik's Revenge, Rubik's Bricks, and Rubik's Snake, among others.

Trivia: The Rubik's Cube was invented by Hungarian Professor Erno Rubik in the 70s.

The Rubik's Cube Official Website

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