Monday, August 22, 2005

Funniest City Names

(taken from

Unalaska, Alaska

Intercourse, Pennsylvania

Goobertown, Arizona (Arlene, are you from here? lol)

Nothing, Arizona

Bald Knob, Arkansas

Hooker Corner, Indiana (I can't imagine what the main profession on this city's streets is - hehe)

Weiner, Arkansas

Hooker, Oklahoma (I think Indiana, Oklahoma and Arkansas are in cahoots!)

Blue Ball, Delaware (ok, Delaware, too - lol)

Red Head, Florida

French Lick, Indiana

Beaver Lick, Kentucky (LMAO!!!!!)

Jugville, Kentucky (is it me, or are all of these names sounding dirty???)

Hell, Michigan

Tightwad, Missouri

Meat Camp, North Carolina

Idiotville, Oregon (who would want to live here???)

Sweet Lips, Tennessee

Toad Suck, Texas

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