Monday, September 11, 2006

Funny Stuff From Dave Barry

"With 'fly' casting, you wade into the river and attempt to place a 'fly' - a furry little hook thingy weighing slightly less than a hydrogen atom - on top of the water right where the trout are blooping. You do this by waving your fishing rod back and forth using the following rhythm, as explained to us (I am not making this up) by our guide Susanne: 'CO-ca CO-la, CO-ca CO-la.' On your third CO-la, you point your arm forward, and the 'fly,' in a perfect imitation of nature, lands on your head. Or sometimes it forms itself into a snarl that cannot be untangled without the aid of a chain saw AND a flamethrower. At least that's what kept happening to me and my friend Ron Ungerman (Yes! 'Ungerman!') We stood there for hours, waving our rods and going 'CO-ca CO-la,' but most of the time we were not getting our flies anywhere near the blooping. The trout were laughing so hard at us that they considered evolving legs so they could crawl onto land and catch their breath."

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