Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Put on your training pants, people, and let's go to work

Well, I probably won't be blogging very much in the mornings for the next 6-8 weeks, since I am being moved, temporarily (or so they say), upstairs to the training classroom to assist the trainer in training the new hires. I was volunteered for this job, not by me, but by someone else. I don't really mind doing it. It will be a nice break from this day-to-day doing nothing crapola that I am doing (or rather, not doing) everyday. Sometimes I get so bored of doing nothing...just waiting for someone to bring me something to do. So actually having something to do will be nice for a change. Yeah. You heard it right. I am actually happy about being given work to do. Have I gone mad??? Not yet. But give me a few weeks and ask me that question again.You may get a different answer.

My feet have been killing me lately. Well, it's actually the heels of my feet that have been hurting. Everyday they hurt, and everyday I keep thinking, "maybe tomorrow they won't hurt." But that tomorrow never comes. I guess I should tell the doctor about it on my next visit. That might be a good idea - lol.

I heard that Britney Spears had her baby ... a boy... yesterday or something. Let's hope she has learned a little bit from her 1st baby and won't go driving around town with him on her lap. I just hope they don't give her as much crap about showing pictures of him to the world like they did with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. Don't you think parents want some time with their babies to be alone and to be a family instead of parading around town and showing off pictures of them to the magazines? Sheesh. This is probably the only time in the kids' lives that they will be anonymous and not being followed around by the papparazzi. I got so tired of listening to crap about Tom and Katie and their "alien offspring" (to quote a certain gossip columnist). Don't you think that is a little sick, calling a baby an "alien" or whatnot? Don't you think she is going to grow up and learn about all this crap they were saying about her? How mean. She is just a baby. Leave her the hell alone.

Anyway, I know I got off on a rant there, but so what - lol. It is my blog. Whatever...I do what I want : P

I watched House last night, and damn if that show doesn't get better and better...and Dr House, cuter and cuter - lol. How come my doctors don't look like him????

I don't have much else to say today since nothing new has really happened in my neck of the woods. When something actually happens, I will write more. Just don't hold your breath.

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