Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It's like, unfair, ya'll

I heard something hilarious yesterday. I heard that a judge dismissed Britney Spears's lawsuit against some magazine, saying that publishing an article saying that Kevin and Britney made a sex tape was not defamatory to them. No...the judge dismissing the case was not the hilarious part. The hilarious part was the fact that they filed this lawsuit in the first place. I think the two of them have made asses enough of themselves on that piece of crap "reality" show Chaotic, to tarnish their image for the rest of kingdom come. How can you tarnish an image that is already tarnished to begin with? That is kind of like puking on a big puke stain that has already set in your carpet (ok, that was kind of gross, but have you seen Chaotic????) Perhaps Britney and Kevin should sue themselves for making that pile of crap show. Perhaps they should adopt some foreign babies and do work in Cambodia and Africa to make people forget that they were ever so crazy and trashy. Hey, it worked for Angelina Jolie.

I also heard something yesterday that pissed me off. I heard that stupid Rush Limbaugh said that Michael J Fox was just acting when he did that commercial about stem cell research and that he was exaggerating the effects of the disease and was probably off his meds. (OK, I had heard this before, but was too pissed about it at the time to write about it). Excuse me, Mr Dumbass, but Michael J Fox has Parkinson's Disease, and there is nothing funny about that. Even with meds, it doesn't make you all better. For example, I am sure if there was a pill to cure Foot-In-The-Mouth Syndrome, I am sure, even with the highest dose possible, Rush would still end up sounding like a jackass every now and then. How can somebody be so damned ignorant? I suppose Rush was just acting like a jackass when he said that. Or maybe it is the after effects of all those Oxycontin pills he took. Any way you look at it, Rush Limbaugh has proven, once again, that he is a total idiot.

I would like to slap his big, puffy, red face....and then have Michael J Fox take away all his painkillers....and then we could sit back, have a cold drink and watch him cry.

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