Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Funny Stuff From Dave Barry

Holiday Gift Guide:

"It's always difficult to find the right gift for the person on your holiday list who has experienced a tragic loss. That's why we were so happy to discover this item, which we absolutely swear we are not making up. This is a specially formulated headstone-cleaner in a handy spray bottle. According to the manufacturer, in just sixty seconds this product 'deep cleans and renews luster as it quickly and easily lifts dirt, moss, mold, and grime.' Not only that, but this incredible product 'leaves behind a protective Teflon finish.' Isn't that wonderful? No more scrubbing with old-fashioned headstone cleaners! AND a Teflon finish! A person could eat off a headstone cleaned by this amazing product! We were going to make a little joke here about a lifetime guarantee, but we frankly feel that would be in poor taste."

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