Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I hate SPAM

Spam ... it is becoming more and more of an annoyance. It is, in fact, getting downright ridiculous. Everyday I go into my email and have like 200 SPAM emails... buy this, try that, you won this, you can look younger using that.... UGH! If half of this stuff they advertised really worked, they would not need to send you messages begging to try it! What is worse that that, is the emails for Viagra, and penis enlargement, and the porn messages - SOOO many porn messages. First of all, I am a female...I am NOT in need of Viagra, and certainly not in need of penis enlargement ! If I wanted that, I would go to the Vu and buy a dildo (which would be cheaper no doubt! lol). And secondly, if I wanted to see porn I would rent a video. At least I do have a bulk mail box where all the SPAM goes ... sadly, it is pretty much the only email I get ! lol. I wonder how these places get my email address anyway, especially since these web sites post these messages saying they won't sell your info to outside parties ... I smell a rat ! I bet by the time I am done writing this, I have at least 10 more SPAM messages in my box. Let me go check ......

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