Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Illusions of Grandeur

Do you remember those Illusion books....you know, the ones where there would be a big jumble of colors and shapes and you were supposed to stare at it and move back until you saw a picture that made sense? Has ANYONE actually SEEN the picture you were supposed to see? Cuz I never did.... not once. And I stared at that danged book forever and a day. I was beginning to think something was wrong with my eyes. But you know what I am beginning to think? I am beginning to think that those so-called "illusions" were just a hoax...an evil ploy to take people's money and make them think they are color blind. Half the time when my friends said they supposedly saw this picture I thought they were just saying it to make me look bad...or just saying it cuz maybe if you look at a bunch of mixed up colors and junk long enough and hard enough, you WILL start seeing things. Pretty smart on the book maker's part though. You have to hand it to them. Now about those "Where's Waldo" books...... he he

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