Tuesday, May 17, 2005

American Idol and "Chaotic"

American Idol was awesome tonight. Bo did a spine-chilling rendition of "Don't Let The Sun Go Down on Me." I thought it was the highlight of the night...maybe of the whole show. It was just so incredibly good. When Carrie sang, "Cryin'" I got goosebumps. I have to tell you that those two are so close. It is going to be hard to choose between the 2 of them. As good as Vonzell was tonight, I think she will be next to go. Her 1st song, "Never Love This Way Again," was pretty shaky and out of tune in spots, although her rendition of "Chain of Fools" was fabulous. Geez....it is going to be tough!

Ok, I tuned into Britney Spears's reality show, Chaotic, and it was anything but. It was pretty boring really. Full of video of her being silly and acting stupid, and of course, video of Kevin and all his hillbilly glory. I don't think I can sit thru another episode of this, with all her "ya'll's" and "fo schizzle's" and her just being raunchy and stupid. It lacks the endearing quality of The Newlyweds. While I find Jessica Simpson to be likeable and sweet, I just find Britney to be stupid and annoying. At one point, she asks, "Can you handle my truth?"...well Britney, my answer would be "I could, but I just don't care."

Tune in next week to see more chaos... or if you just need something to put you to sleep.

(for those of you who can't wait til next week to see more Britney, here's a preview clip from an upcoming episode - hehe)

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