Friday, May 20, 2005

Stupid News Story of The Day

(Bang're stupid)

Thieves Pistol Whip Woman With a Toy Gun

HONG KONG - A tip for muggers and thugs: If you decide to pistol whip a victim who won't cough up cash, don't do it with a plastic toy gun.

Two thieves in Hong Kong on Thursday tried to rob a 55-year-old woman working as a parking lot cleaner, the Ming Pao Daily News reported Friday. Police said when the woman wouldn't hand over any money, the men began hitting her on the head with a toy gun, the paper reported.

When the gun's barrel broke, the woman saw it was fake and began screaming for help, causing the muggers to drop the pistol and run away, the paper said.

Ming Pao showed a picture of the black toy gun with a large spring popping out of its broken barrel.

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