Thursday, January 19, 2006

And the public humiliation goes on...

Well, last night was another round of tone-deafness and earache-inducing singing, courtesy of the contestants on American Idol. Why am I so addicted to this show? I am not even a pop music fan. I hate pop music. But for some reason, I am hooked on that damned show, whether I like it or not. Maybe it is because I am always curious to see what Simon will say. Or maybe I am just one of those people who likes to watch people make asses of themselves in public. Or maybe I have been brainwashed. Who knows.

There was one performance (or should I say, painful display of no musical talent) that stood out as the worst performance of the night, in my eyes (and ears). And that was the painful, misguided, off-key and confused performance of Zachary, who definitely could pass for a female. In fact, I thought he was a girl at first. His singing was terrible. And I am not saying that because he picked a Whitney Houston song, which is a song for a woman to sing...I am saying that because he CAN'T SING. He was completely off key and didn't have any tone to his voice to speak of. And the whole "this show is prejudiced" rant that he went on after he got booted was just nonsense. If you can't sing, then you can't sing. There is no prejudice about it. Don't quit your day job Mr Zachary. And if you don't have a day job, you better get one, because singing won't get you any money...unless people pay you to stop singing.

Yep. It is definitely time to pull out the Tylenol.

I tuned in to Skating With Celebrities after American Idol was over, probably because there was nothing else on at the time. It was an ok show. Nothing spectacular, but hey, most of these celebrities had no or very little ice skating experience and had only been skating for a month with their partners, so I was impressed by all of them. Especially Bruce Jenner, who is in his 50's and is 6'4 or something. Definitely not a figure skater type - lol. I have to give them props though. If it would have been me, I would have fallen on my ass and not have been able to get back up.

And on a side note, I am tired. I am big favor of bringing nap time to the work place. Who's with me??

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