Thursday, April 06, 2006

American Idol recap - Elimination night

I thought I had a dream last night that Mandisa was voted off American Idol.

It wasn't a dream.

When I watched American Idol last night, I about fell off of my couch when I saw the bottom 3 were Paris, Mandisa and Elliot. I was so sure that when they grouped Ace, Bucky and Katharine together that they would be the bottom 3. But no dice.

Then when Ryan told Paris that she was safe, I thought "Oh shit. Elliot is gonna be voted off." When he said that Mandisa was going home, I was stunned. And I was mad.

I liked Mandisa. She has a great voice, but after hearing her rendition of "Any Man of Mine" last night, I thought that if that is how she sang on Wednesday night, I would have not voted for her either. Still, she did not deserve to be kicked off. I don't think any of the bottom 3 deserved to be there. I like Elliot. He is a great singer. Ok, so he doesn't have Chris's edginess or Ace's theatrics, but still, I think he has it going on. He is growing on me. And, despite not looking like a GQ model, he is still cute - lol.

I think the only thing keeping Ace in the game is the fact that he is a good looking guy. But good looks can only take you so far. I am sure his elimination will come soon, but I have a feeling that he will do well next week with the songs of Queen being the theme.

And Bucky....I can't figure that one out. He should have gone home a long time ago. I can't figure out how he made it into the top 10.

Well, now my final 3 predictions have gone down the toilet, as I predicted it would be Chris, Katharine and Mandisa in the final 3. Somehow I think Kellie is gonna be in the running, too. People seem to really like her, and I admit, she is growing on me, too. She is just so darned goofy and naive and bubbly. And just too cute. Sometimes a good attitude will carry you all the way. I still see Chris winning the whole thing though.

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