Monday, July 31, 2006

Just call me Ms Grumpypants

Ugh. I hate Mondays. Yeah, I know I keep repeating it every week, but I think it bears repeating.

Another thing I hate is my next-door neighbor...the one who lives to my left (in other words, the one who is right next to my bedroom). His louder-than-loud music was blaring on his stereo til over 4 am on both Friday and Saturday nights. I could not sleep even with earplugs! I had to go out to my living room and crash on the couch, and even with earplugs and my bedroom door closed, I could still hear his crappy ass music. Ugh! And last night, I awoke at 3 am, only to hear the sound of his asshole voice screaming at someone in his apartment (maybe his girlfriend or his kid....I dunno - I could only hear his voice). I could even hear some of what he was saying (not that I WANTED to, but with a voice that loud, you can't avoid it). He kept saying...."Why do you have to keep going on and on and on?!" (I was thinking the same thing myself...about HIS mother-fucking ass). Someone please come over and just shoot him! PLEASE! God he sucks! I don't really hate people, but I could definitely see myself hating his lousy ass. Inconsiderate, rude, loud mother fucker! I didn't go back to sleep til after 4:30, then woke up again at 5:10, fell back asleep and woke up again at 6:30. Another night of little, lousy sleep. No wonder I am so grumpy!

This morning, on the way to work, I came thisclose to rear-ending a pickup in front of me, because the on-ramp to the 99 was backed up due to an accident just past Ming Ave. I couldn't see that traffic was stopped til I turned into the on-ramp, and by then it was almost too late. I wasn't the only one though. I heard plenty of brakes squealing, and a little ways up, I saw that 2 cars had pulled over to the side of the ramp because of a little rear-ending drama. Damn, that was a close one!

I am really grumpy today. Partly because I am so sleepy (due to my crappy ass neighbor), and that I am just feeling like crap. Ever since I got back from vacation, I have been getting headaches and the joint pain has been pretty bad too. I think I figured out why. It is from this crappy Bakersfield air. When I was in New Mexico at the cabin, the air was so clean. It was great. But then I get back to this brown, smoggy Bakersfield air, and my head suddenly feels like it wants to explode. Smog sucks. Sometimes I hate this place.

My mom called me over the weekend to say that my grandma's house had been sold. I didn't think it would sell so soon. I feel a little sad knowing that someone else will be living there. But I think my grandma's neighbors will be happy to see it not empty anymore.

The celebration of life in honor of my aunt Marge will be toward the end of August. I asked for 2 days off so I could go to it, but my boss said she would be out that week, but she would "see what she could do." Fuck. I will call in sick if they say I can't have the time off. It was my mom's sister for crying out loud. I wanna be there for her. Screw work. Just screw it.

Nevermind. My boss just told me that I can have those days off. Guess I was jumping the gun a little bit.

Just a little bit - hehe.

Yep, I am one Grumpy Gus today.

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