Thursday, August 03, 2006

Stupid News Story of The Day

(Help...police! I'm not getting any!)

Ah, this should certainly put him in the mood...

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Police in the German city of Aachen received an unusual call for help late Wednesday when a woman telephoned to complain her husband was not fulfilling his sexual obligations.

After the couple had been sleeping in separate beds for several months without intimate contact, the 44-year-old woman woke the husband, 45, in the middle of the night and demanded he satisfy her needs, police spokesman Paul Kemen said Thursday.

When her advances were refused, a row broke out and she called the police and asked them to intervene, he added.

"The police officials did not feel able to resolve the dispute, let alone issue any kind of official order," Kemen said.

"And because no crime or infringement could be identified, all they could do was file a report in case intervention might be required at a later date," he added.

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