Thursday, August 03, 2006

Funny Stuff From Dave Barry

"My wife did not understand why I needed to buy a new cell phone. Yet every guy I show it to immediately agrees that it is a vital necessity. I have a friend named Robert who has a similar phone, and recently we discovered that, theoretically, I could 'beam' my address and phone number from my phone to his phone THROUGH THE AIR. I say 'theoretically' because we could not get it to actually work, although we spent a good ten minutes standing about a foot apart, pointing our phones at each other and fruitlessly pressing buttons. Several women watched this with some amusement: they suggested that - get this - it might be quicker for me to just TELL Robert my address and phone number, which would have represented a wanton and reckless disregard on our part for the beaming feature. These women also suggested that we look at our owner's manuals, which of course is out of the question. For a guy, reading the manual is tanamount to admitting that, manhoodwise, you are in the hamster category."

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