Thursday, August 31, 2006

Another day, another 50 cents

I keep thinking it is Tuesday. It is probably because I had Monday and Tuesday off. But am I glad that it is actually Thursday instead of Tuesday? Hell yes!!!

There are never enough weekends in the year. There is no such thing as too much time off. No sireee. Not to a lazy ass like me.

Anyhow, I have been spending the majority of my home time working on a new hobby: scrapbooking. It is addictive as hell. I have taken so many pictures over the years that I thought it was high time I actually do something with them instead of letting them sit around collecting dust. And I recently found out that you can do your scrapbooking digitally, too! Yep. I am now hooked on that, too. I have been working with Paint Shop Pro at home, putting together layouts and making "papers" and all kinds of stuff to make my pages all purty. Someday, I will publish one (when I actually finish one, that is - hehe). I love Paint Shop Pro! Gosh, I am such a geek.

The memorial service for my aunt Marge went really well. It was more of a get-together than an actual service. My cousin Steve's wife, Carolyn, had put together a photo slide show of pictures of Marge when she was a little kid, to more recent pictures. There was even one in there of her and me....and I was sitting on a cow...yes, a cow. I am gonna have to find that one and post it one of these days. You know, a lot of people - me included - hate having their picture taken. But seeing all of those pictures of her really shows the importance of having pictures. Even though my uncle Martin is so devastated about losing Marge, he is going to be glad one of these days that he has all of those pictures to look back on.

It was really nice to see all of my relatives - my cousins: Mike, Jeff, Bob, Steven, Dave, Debbie, Lori, and all of their kids...Colter, Hattie, Dalton, Payton, Natasha and Nicholas: and my aunts and uncles: Helen, Sandy, Bill and Martin. I hadn't seen them in ages. My cousin Bob was so funny. He showed up in his work clothes...dirty shirt and suspenders, jeans, work boots and a shiny, silver hard hat. We were calling him, "Bob the Builder." He didn't take off his hard hat once...not that his noggin was in any danger of being smacked, but that is just Bob. He is just a big kid at heart. I still remember having dirt clod wars out in the apple orchard with him, Mike and Jeff when I was a kid...hehe.

We stayed up at Debbie and Ted's house in Sebastopol, and the weather was just so nice. It was pretty cool in the evening, but boy did it feel good to be cool instead of hot like it is here in Bakersfield. My brother had a good time playing football with Colter, even though he did mess up his ankle. It was all swollen the next day. He is not as spry as he used to be. Guess his old age has caught up to him.

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