Tuesday, September 05, 2006


When I heard that The Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, died, I thought it must have been because of a snake or a crocodile or some other poisonous or big, dangerous animal. I never thought it would be a stingray. Stingrays are generally placid animals, only using their poisonous tail barbs in self-defense, and deaths caused by them are very rare. It was a freak accident that it happened, being that the stingray was not being provoked by Irwin in any way. I read reports that the ray may have felt trapped between the camera man and Irwin, and that is why it attacked...although "attacked" is a poor choice of wording since it didn't maliciously attack him. You can't blame the stingray and you can't blame Steve Irwin, for he wasn't provoking the stingray. It was just an unfortunate accident. One of those freak things that just happens. Like when my cousin Ray was killed by a Ditch Witch while he was working on his vineyard. You don't expect it. It just happens. I just feel so sad for his family. It was just a sad day all around. I really was shocked when I heard it happened.

Well, the long weekend is gone and it feels like a Monday, even though it is Tuesday. I didn't do anything over the weekend. Just stayed at home and played around with my Paintshop Pro program. Digital Scrapbooking is SOOOO freakin' addictive. I was making stuff all weekend - lol. I did take time out yesterday to hang out by the pool with my mom and brother. My bro wanted to come over to my apartment so he could use the pool. So my bro went for a swim and my mom and I just put our feet in the water cuz lord knows no one would want to see my whiter-than-white legs. They could blind a person! Seriously. If you see my legs coming, look away. Or at least wear sunglasses. You have been warned.

Speaking of my brother, he freaked me out the other night. Well, not in person. I had a dream the other night where I was in bed and trying to fall asleep. A dream about trying to fall asleep....it's getting weird already - lol. Anyway, in my dream I am trying to fall asleep but keep hearing something moving around. I open my eyes and I can see some vague shape moving around in the dark. I close my eyes again. The sound gets closer. I open my eyes and there is my brother, staring at me, his face just inches from mine. I wake up. Weird enough so far.

It gets weirder.

You know how when you look at something for long enough and then look away, you can still see the outline of it? Like this optical illusion, for example...

If you look at this picture for like 20 seconds and then look away, you see a face, right? Well, when I woke up from my dream, that is what I saw....my brother's face. It was so freaky!!! I had a hard time falling back asleep after that. I always knew my brother was a freak, but c'mon!!

It was just plain weird!

The new season of House premieres tonight. So you know where I will be. hehe. And then after House, there is a new episode of Dirty Jobs on The Discovery Channel (at 9 pm). My 2 favorite TV men on back-2-back. What more could I want?

Well, a caramel frappuccino would be nice.

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