Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Funny Stuff From Dave Barry

"On a recent Idaho trip my friend Ron Ungerman - and 'Ungerman' is NOT a funny name, so let's not draw undue attention to it - persuaded me to go trout fishing. We purchased fishing licenses and hired a guide named Susanne, who is German but promised us that she would not be too strict. Susanne had me and Ron Ungerman (ha ha!) put on rubber waders, which serve two important purposes: (1) they cause your legs to sweat; and (2) they make you look like Nerd Boy from the Planet Dork. Then we hiked through roughly eighty-three miles of aromatic muck to a spot on the Wood River that literally throbbed with trout. I, of course, did not see them, but I did see a lot of blooping on the water surface, which Susanne assured us was caused by trout."

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