Monday, November 13, 2006

Stuff (I is just SUCH a creative title)

Well, here it is, Monday again. We were supposed to get a new worker today, but for some unknown reason, she unexpectedly resigned this morning. I don't know what happened, but I hope she is ok. I got her cases, so I have been working on cases all day. Big fun. One thing about this job is that it is never boring - hehe.

Nothing much happened over the weekend. It was supposed to rain on Saturday, but I didn't see much, if any, rain. The winter is a'coming though. It is getting colder and colder. The highs are in the 60's and lows in the 40's. And pretty soon, the fog will come, bringing with it bad drivers everywhere. 'Tis the accident season.

I did get to work with Photoshop some more. Here is a little turkey I made (since it is almost Turkey Day and all)...

Ain't he cute? I just love Photoshop.

It's back to work time. Blah.

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