Wednesday, June 01, 2005

There are crazy people everywhere...

... including right in front of our work building. Today, about 15 minutes ago, we were all treated to free ringside seats of a street fight - lol. I dunno what happened, but about 5 or 6 people were going at it. I don't know if it was a case of road rage gone too far or if it was a baby-daddy fight (you know, one of those Jerry Springer type fights), or what, but it was FUNNY! This one lady got a hold of the other lady's hair and pulled it off of her head (apparently she was wearing a wig). Then she went walking down the street with a handful of wig in her hand, the other hand making a fist in the air. Holy cow, it was funny! One lady had a big ass stick in her hand and was hitting the hood of the other car with it. I could tell it left some dents. Another lady was in a car and tried to run her car up onto the sidewalk to hit the other lady who had the stick in her hand. That is where the funny turned a little scary. Eventually, the cops came, only after the 3 people in the other car (including the wig-pulling woman), took off down the street. I think the cops are still here. I tell you, there are crazy people EVERYWHERE!

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