Sunday, July 31, 2005

Things that make me go hmmmm...

~ I used to have faith in Comedy Central...that was until I heard they were going to do a roast of , gulp, Pamela Anderson. Pamela Anderson? I thought that roasts were reserved for comedians like Dennis Leary, Rodney Dangerfield, Steve Martin, etc. Since when has Pamela Anderson been a comedian??? Inquiring minds want to know. (now that I think about it, her boobs are kinda funny).

~ There is a new "reality tv" show on E! called, Kill Reality. This show is all about the filming of an actual movie with reality tv stars as its cast. Sound interesting to you? Luckily, the movie is a scary movie, because the whole idea of using reality tv stars as actors is, well, scary. I smell a box office bomb. I watched one episode, and all I can say is that Toni woman is a royal beeeyach.
Who comes up with these ideas????

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