Tuesday, August 02, 2005

It's Tuesday today

I have to keep reminding myself that it is Tuesday. I woke up this morning thinking it was Wednesday. Wishful thinking on my part, I guess. At least it is almost quitting time, so it is closer to Hump Day than it was when I woke up this morning. That is a good thing. We have to work on Friday, so that is gonna make this week even longer. I actually have cases to work on now, so my work posts are less frequent than they used to be (hehe).

I did nothing this last weekend but sit around on my lazy ass and watch tv. Well, I did clean one of my fish tanks, and that is actually hard work, if you believe it. Water is a lot heavier than you'd think! At least my angel fishies have a cleaner place to live in now, and they are probably happy about that. If you think about it, fish are kinda screwed if they have a lazy owner. Poor fish. They have to swim around in their own crap all day long. I swear, Stuckey, the sucker fish, is getting huge! He must be getting plenty of algae to eat or something. I cleaned my betta fish bowls too, but those are easy to clean. I have no excuse for making them swim in dirty water. I gave Squeakers a bath, too, which she didn't really like. But I think she will thank me for it in the end now that her fur is all nice and clean and fluffy.

Well, it is quitting time, so I am gonna head on out into the "oven" that is B-Town (I read that it is 101 outside right now - ugh). I am afraid of what the inside of my car must feel like. Thank gosh I don't have vinyl seats!!!!!

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