Sunday, July 10, 2005

Weekend Warriors

Well, we went camping again this weekend...surprised??? (hehe). This time, we went back to Yosemite, only this time, Tioga Pass was open. Woo hoo! I will post some pics and write all about it on my other weblog ( tomorrow. I am pretty tired tonite after all the driving I did over the weekend. To give you an idea of how much driving I did, I am posting a map of the route from here (Bakersfield, CA) to the final destination on our trip, Bodie State Historic Park in California.

Doesn't look all that far, but it is over 300 miles to Bodie from here. I am pooped, but I had a great trip. We even saw a bear at our campsite! I was so excited/scared all at the same time. (lol). I will write more about it tomorrow. Right now, I am gonna post some trip pics and then lie down and go to bed at a decent hour tonite.

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