Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Blast From The Past

It's slinky, it's slinky.

Remember these? These toys that after a while would get tangled up and become a big, steel mess? Sure, they were fun for a while, until you decided to see what it would look like all straightened out. They were sure fun while they lasted though. It is amazing just how a coiled up piece of steel could entertain somebody for so long. Just proves that people are easily entertained for the most part. It's's fun for a girl or a boy.

“What walks down stairs, alone or in pairs, And makes a slinkity sound?"
"A spring, a spring, a marvelous thing, Everyone knows it’s Slinky…”
"It's Slinky, it's Slinky, for fun it's a wonderful toy"
"It's Slinky, it's Slinky, it's fun for a girl and a boy"

Trivia: The Slinky was invented by Richard James, a naval engineer, in 1945.

  • Link: Slinky Website

    Netter said...

    Kim, I love a good Slinky. I remember my first one. I played with it on the stairs for hours. It has a great theme song too. You know the only bad thing about htem is when you would get a little ding in one of the coils...annoying. Someone would always get it tangled up and it took forever to fix it. It is a wonderful toy!

    Kimberly said...

    I would always end up ruining mine and have to beg my mom to get me another one...if mom didn't cave, then it was time to hit up grandma - hehe

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