Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Stupid News Story of The Day

(Funny, funny, ha ha)

Man Has Girl Present Hold-Up Note at Bank 2 hours, 28 minutes ago

SAVANNAH, Ga. - Michael Lyons apparently had a funny practical joke planned for his daughter's birthday. In the end, no one was laughing — especially Lyons.

Lyons, 45, was arrested after he told a 13-year-old girl to hand a note to a bank teller, police said. The note said, "Give me all of your money, this is a stick up," according to a police report.

The incident happened Friday when Lyons and a group of girls were celebrating his daughter's birthday. While he was getting money out of an ATM, the girl went into the bank and handed the note to a teller.

The teller sounded the bank's alarm, and police and FBI surrounded the building. Instead of robbers, they found Lyons and the girls.

Lyons was charged with criminal attempt of robbery by intimidation, said Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police spokesman Bucky Burnsed.

"You can't yell 'fire' in a crowded theater, can't joke about a bomb in your luggage at the airport, and you can't write notes to cashier that say 'This is a stick up,'" Burnsed said.

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