Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Employee of the month...me?? Are they nuts??

I found out today that I am the employee of the month for May 2006. That is pretty cool. I never thought I, ME (like, oh my gosh), would ever be nominated for anything - lol. Yeah, I was employee of the quarter a few times at Marshalls, but there were like 30 people there, not over 1000 - lol. I am pretty stoked about it, since I feel now like people actually notice that I work pretty gosh darned hard and that the little things I do for people are, in fact, being appreciated (not that I NEED validation or anything, but I'll take it if it is offered - lol). The only bad thing is that they take your picture and put it on a poster and hang them all over the building so people everywhere can see my ugly mug. I HATE having my picture taken. I was gonna ask if they can just draw a caricature of me or something, but I don't think that will fly. Oh yeah, and then they have an EOM celebration in the cafeteria and everyone gets cookies and punch and they present you with some certificate and you get a nice, close-to-the-building parking space for a month or something. The parking space thing is cool. Especially on those working Fridays when everyone has to park in the back, and that back lot fills up really quick. So, I am pretty happy right now about it. Just not about the picture part - lol. Yay for me - lol. Still, I think there are others who are just as deserving, in fact, more deserving than me.

Maybe, since I have to get another filling in another tooth on Thursday, this EOM thing is life's way of equalizing pain and happiness - lol. Or maybe I am just full of crap (I am leaning toward the latter).


Netter said...

Congratulations! If someone nominated me for something like that...I would just think it was a prank.

Kimberly said...

Yeah - I was thinking that maybe someone was pulling a late April Fool's Day joke on me - lol

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