Monday, April 24, 2006

Funny Stuff From Dave Barry

Rudeness Rules

"If you're in a supermarket checkout line, and you realize that you forgot an item, you're allowed to go get it, provided that (1) you apologize to the people behind you, (2) you know exactly where the item is, and (3) you hurry. If you forget TWO items, take your cart out of line. You are not allowed to leave your cart blocking the line while you wander the aisles trying to recall the ingredients of Beef Tongue Flambeau.

NOTE: Before you serve beef tongue to innocent people, you should think about the kinds of things that cows lick."


Netter said...

AMEN...Some people don't care if the keep you waiting all day. That is a huge peeve of mine. Have you ever felt a cows tongue when it is still alive? I've had to bottle feed calves and they will suck on your fingers if you let them....hungry little buggers. Well, lambs will do the same thing...but yeah, tongue is kind of freaky.

Kimberly said...

oh yeah - I hate it when people do that and then take their sweet time and come back with more than what they supposedly "forgot" - grrr!!! And no, never felt a cow's tongue, alive or dead - lol.

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