Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Flip-flopping my work day away

I know it's May, but I think summer is officially arrived in Bakersfield. It was 97 degrees when I left work yesterday, and it is supposed to be 94 today, and in the 90's for the rest of the week. Or maybe this year is just gonna be one of those freaksome years where it is hotter than usual (note that the average high temps for May in B-Town are the low 80's). Then looking ahead to next week, it says it is going to be 72 on Monday, then back up to 91 on Wednesday. Up and down the weather goes (And OF COURSE it is gonna be nice on Monday ...when I am at work).

Now that it is "summer," the summer dress code is in force at work, which is great. That means I don't have to wear pantyhose (aka the devil's socks) when I wear a skirt or when I wear sandals. But the thing that just irks me about this whole dress code is the part where it deems what is and what is not acceptable footwear. Now, I can see that plastic thongs would be unacceptable. This is, after all, a business, and you wear thongs to the beach or pool and not to the office. But this whole part that says you can't wear shoes that make a "flip flop" sound when you walk, because that supposedly is too distracting to other people to hear, just is plain stupid. I wore some sandals (not thongs) that make a flip flop sound when I walk to work today. I tried to see what the whole fuss was about but I didn't see anything. Hell, when I walk, you don't even notice the sound of the shoes because you can't really hear them over the sound of other people talking and typing. Hell, the typing sounds are louder than my damned shoes, so screw them. I am wearing them and if they say anything, I am gonna point out that the sounds of people typing and talking are louder than my shoes, and until they ban typing and talking, I am gonna continue to wear my flip-flopping shoes. They are comfortable, and comfort is my #1 priority when it comes to my feet. Besides, those high heel shoes make a whole hell of a lot more noise when people walk that my piddly sandals do. If they don't like my shoes, they can all just bite me. (But if they do, I am gonna throw my flip-flopping shoes at their miserable, flip-flop-hating heads).

Speaking of annoying things, my email junk mail folder overfloweth. I was getting some 100 junk emails a day and decided that emptying it out on a daily basis was more trouble that it was worth, so I chose to ignore it. So now, I have over ten-thousand junk emails in my box. GRRRRR. How annoying. I think I am gonna try to get it up to 20,000 next - lol.

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