Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Who will stay and who will go?

Ok - So I missed the first half of last night's AI because I was standing in line at the UPS place picking up my package of camera batteries, so I can't make a qualified prediction on who is gonna stay or who is gonna go. But when it comes down to it, I think it will be Elliott that goes home, even though I REALLY want him to stay. I think he deserves to stay. I am not that captivated by Taylor's funky dancing or on-stage antics, and frankly, the last part of the last song he did last night sucked ass, but you know he will be staying. Of course, that is what I said about Chris and look what happened to him. So, in my mind, no one is a shoe in to make it to the final 2, but I think it will come down to Taylor and Katharine. Katharine did a perfect rendition of "Over The Rainbow." It was just awesome. I think that performance alone will get her into the finals. We shall see.

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