Thursday, July 27, 2006

So many doctors, so little time

Well, after the whole mail incident the other day, I went out to my mailbox and the mail I had put on hold had been delivered to my box. It was a relief, but I KNOW I had put on the card that I would pick it up in person at the post office.

And, no, there was no postcard from the doctor's office in there telling me that they had moved their office to Stockdale Highway. Grrrr. Well, at least now I know.

Speaking of the doctor, when I went to him on Tuesday, he told me that I could just call the office to get the referral I needed. Shit, if I would have known that in advance, I would have been able to save myself the trouble of driving across town and spending $15 to see him in person. More grrrrr.

I had 2 doctor's appointments yesterday. One for my rheumatologist and the other for the gyno. They had to do a complete blood panel so they took like 5 or 6 vials of blood (I don't know for sure...I never look at the blood when it is coming out of me - gross) and made me pee in a cup. It was so fun! This time, my arm only got a little bruised from the needle. I think they are getting better at taking blood (hehe). The doctor also prescribed me some stuff to help me sleep, since I never get a full night's sleep. Guess that is why I am so cranky all of the time - hehe.

I am so glad I only have to go to the gyno once a year now. I was having to go every 6 months cuz of the abnormal paps, but now that I am "normal" again (yeah, yeah...go ahead and laugh about that - I know you want to), I only have to make the yearly visit. Which is good, cuz frankly I am not so thrilled about having that cold, metal thing shoved in my vagina. Why can't they make those things more comfortable?!?!? Now, if they made them so that they were all nice and warm and added a little vibration to them, I think he would double his business I dunno, but to me, there is nothing more uncomfortable that going to the gyno. The whole metal speculum thing in the vagina, and the pelvic exam and then the pushing around on my boobs.....ugh. It is kind of like a really bad date. Except you have to pay for it.

I was so tired after work that I fell asleep while watching tv and didn't wake up til like 10:30. ZZZZZ. I really hope those pills help me sleep better, cuz I have been such a zombie lately.

Is it nap time yet?

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