Sunday, November 26, 2006

This post is censored for your protection

I just finished watching Titanic on some cable tv channel (TNT or TBS or something). Yeah, I chick flick....but then, I am a chick so it is ok. Of course, it left me, not from the part where Jack gets all icy and blue and then The part that gets me is when the old Rose goes to the end of the boat and throws the necklace into the ocean. Why does that part always get me? I have NO clue. Yet it does. Every time.

Anyway, the reason for this post was not to tell the world how much of a bawl baby I am. No. The thing that made me write this is how stupid and silly censors can be (like my alliteration there? hehe). Now I can (sorta) understand why they would block out the topless scene in the movie. It is cable, but it ain't no HBO. But is there really a reason why they would have to blur out the boobs on a drawing??? Yes. You heard that right. When they showed the drawing of Rose (sans clothes), they blurred out her boobs. It was a drawing for Pete's sake! Paper and charcoal. Ugh. How stupid. Yet, in the scene where Jack is drawing Rose, they show him drawing her boobs....nipples and all. Good lord. Censors have gone bananas!

Yet, they still allow Steven Seagal movies to run on tv. How about censoring lousy acting, people?

Nevermind. That would probably eliminate about half of the shows on tv.

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