Sunday, February 27, 2005

Beautiful or Ugly?

What is it about a person that makes him or her beautiful or ugly? Is it something physical such as facial structure or body type? Or is it something deeper, like intellect or personality? I suppose the answer to that question depends on the person you ask. Some people prefer the company of the so-called "beautiful people," while others prefer the company of those who share some common ground with them. I prefer to be with people who have more than just face value. If you think about it, physical beauty is something dependent on the area of the world people live in . In some places, tattoos and piercings are the things that make a person attractive. In some other places, people get their teeth carved into pointy triangles because that is supposed to be the mark of true beauty. In other parts of the world, heavy people are regarded as beautiful, while in others, skinny is in. So what is the beauty standard? The answer is simple...there is NO physical beauty standard. There cannot be a single standard if every region of the world has its own. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, as the old adage states.

There is a standard of beauty though that is universal. But it does not involve anything physical. Real beauty is found below the skin. It lies in the heart and soul of the person. A person with a good heart is really beautiful, no matter how tall or short they are, or what color their skin is, or how skinny or fat they are. You may marry a person because he or she looks good ... but we are all going to get old and grey and wrinkled someday, and what are you going to do once the looks fade? Trade him or her in for a newer model? By then, your looks will have faded too, and who will want you? Maybe that would be the ultimate justice. I just don't see much use in good physical looks. I would much rather date a man who respected me and liked me for who I was than an arrogant, self-centered jerk who thought he was God's gift to women. But that is just me (and I would hope a few more people out in the world thought like me, too).

With all of these fashion magazines out there, it is no wonder we have such low self-esteem. Striving to look like a supermodel will only lead to a few things: being broke all the time from buying all these beauty products that we feel we NEED, the increase in business to plastic surgeons, and eating disorders. It almost seems like more trouble than it's worth.

So whether you are short or tall, skinny or fat, black or white, have a big nose or a perfect nose, it doesn't matter... the most important thing is to concentrate on your inner beauty. If you have inner beauty, you will be lucky enough to find people that really appreciate YOU and not just your perfect nose.

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