Monday, February 28, 2005

You know what I can't figure out?

You know what I can't figure out? I can't figure out what goes through the mind of a criminal. I can tell you that there is no common sense going on in there. I think in order to be a criminal, you have to be just plain stupid, or not all there mentally. Take for instance the man who killed his pregnant girlfriend and her son. He supposedly killed her because he didn't want his wife finding out she was pregnant. Well, if he had stopped to think about it before he killed her, he would have realized (provided he was using his brain), that getting a girl pregnant is a whole lot better than murdering someone. Think about it girls...would you rather be with a man who got a girl pregnant or one who murdered someone? (and if you have to think about this for more than a second, you need help - lol) Just the other day I saw a headline about a man who shot and killed his ex-wife and someone else because he was angry for being sued for unpaid child support. Well guess what you are gonna go to prison too! I don't know what drives people to do the things they do. Thankfully, I have brains, so you won't find me shooting up a bank to get some money. After all, what good is money going to be to you if you aren't free to spend it?

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