Tuesday, March 01, 2005

They need a law for this??

Sex is good, sex is great -but there are some things that just aren't supposed to go with it - apparently they actually needed laws for these things (so someone must have actually done these before, which is scary), while others are just plain stupid! ~

~ In Connorsville, Wisconsin, it is illegal for a man to shoot off his gun when his female partner has an orgasm (so I guess it is ok for a woman to shoot off a gun when her man has an orgasm...hmmm)

~ Bozeman, Montana has a law which prohibits all sexual activity between members of the opposite sex in the front yard of a home after sundown...if they are nude. (so I guess it is ok before sundown, or after sundown as long as you keep your clothes on)

~ In Libery Comer, New Jersey, if you hit the horn while you are "frolicking" in a parked car, you can face a jail term.

~ In Carlsbad, New Mexico, you can have sex in a parked car or van on your lunch break as long as the car or van has curtains that you can draw closed to keep people from peeking in.

~ In Oblong, Illinois, it is illegal to make love on your wedding day while hunting or fishing. (talk about multi-tasking!)

~ In Cali, Colombia, a woman can only have sex with her husband, and on the first time this happens, her mother must be in the room to witness it (EWWWWWWWWWW!)

~ In Washington, there is a law which states that it is illegal to have sex with a virgin under any circumstances ... including the wedding night. (hello....has anyone explained the concept of logic to these lawmakers???)

~ An ordinance in Newcastle, Wyoming, specifically bans couples from having sex while standing inside a store's walk-in meat freezer. (I would think long and hard about becoming a vegetarian if I lived there)

~ Topless saleswomen are legal in Liverpool, England...but only in tropical fish stores. (I can't figure out the logic behind this one, and I am not going to strain my brain trying to figure it out.)

~ In Birmingham, England, it is illegal for a man and a woman to have sex on the steps of any church after sundown. (why are these things only illegal AFTER the sun goes down??)

~ The penalty in Indonesia for pleasuring yourself is decapitation. (good lord!!!!)

~ In Fairbanks, Alaska, a moose cannot have sex on the city streets. (I'd like to see ANYONE tell a moose he can't do something - go ahead! be my guest.)

~ In Ventura County, California, cats and dogs are not allowed to have sex without a permit. (tell me who is going to enforce this ?)

~ A Tremonton, Utah law states that no woman is allowed to have sex with a man while riding in an ambulance. In addition to pressing charges, the city publishes the woman's name in a local newspaper. The man does not receive any punishment. (clearly a man wrote this law!)

~ In Oxford, Ohio, it is illegal for a woman to stip off her clothing while standing in front of a man's picture. (again, written by a man)

~ In Kentucky, a woman cannot appear on any highway in a bathing suit, unless she is escorted by at least 2 officers or be armed herself with a club. (I have no comment for this one)

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