Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Stuff that has crossed my mind lately....

Can 1 + 1 ever be anything other than 2 ?

Why is math so hard?

Chocolate may very well be the answer to world peace.

In the game of life, there are never any real winners. Everyone loses eventually.

Why is my printer so slow?

Why are people so mean to each other?

Did I remember to unplug my curling iron?

I forgot my umbrella at home and it is supposed to rain.

I love my parents.

I wish I had a dog.

Why do I think so much?

There is nothing cuter than a baby's smile.

I wonder if anyone will call me today.

Why do I have to get migraines?

PMS - ugh

Who in the heck came up with the phrase "by the skin of my teeth?" Who has skin on their teeth???

I wonder what my grandma is doing right now.

Politically correct people can kiss my as*

It is about time Morgan Freeman won an Oscar.

I wonder just how many licks it does take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop.

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