Friday, March 04, 2005

Raindrops keep falling on my head...

A very wet day in Bakersfield
Posted by Hello

ok - where did this downpour come from? This morning when I looked up the weather, it said "am showers" - SHOWERS - not a freakin' downpour! It was nice this morning...all sunny and not at all cold. So, of course, I did not bring my jacket with me to work. I did have my umbrella in the car though. It was not til the afternoon that it started raining....a sprinkle at first, then it got harder, and harder, until it was pouring...then came the hail, and the thunder and lightning. Pretty soon it looked like an ocean outside. The road down the way got flooded, and the power went out for like 3 seconds, but that was 3 seconds long enough to knock out the traffic lights. So the drive home took forever, because the traffic lights were out down the road. The weather says "partly cloudy" tomorrow, but earlier it said "showers." So who knows what it will be like tomorrow. The weather forecast keeps changing by the hour it seems. That is why I always keep an umbrella in my car!

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