Monday, March 21, 2005

Monday, Monday, Monday

Another Monday has almost come and gone. It is almost 4 pm now, which means I only have an hour and a half or so left in this work day. I hate Mondays. For some reason, I can never sleep on Sunday night. Maybe it is psychological. You know, anticipating the upcoming work week or something like that. I actually slept pretty good last night for a change. Of course, I was pretty tired out from the weekend, so maybe that had something to do with it. Guess I will have to keep myself busy every weekend so I can sleep like that more often!

Well, I heard that Michael Jackson was late.... his court appearance today. What is wrong with that guy? He went from being a normal pop star (back in his Thriller days) to being a complete freak of nature. I don't know if he is guilty or not, but I do know that the man needs some help. You can't be dangling your children off of balconies and having children sleep over in your bed just because you are a star and have a lot of money. I guess all that money went to his head or something. All of those pop stars better beware....this could happen to you.

Also in the news is Terry Schiavo again. I have mixed feelings on this issue. On the one hand, I know I would never want to live like that...all hooked up to machines and bedridden with no hope of ever returning to a normal life. On the other hand, I am not quite sure anyone has the right to end her life except her, which is why I firmly believe that people need to have a living will so that their loved ones will know what their wishes are in case something like that happened. I don't know. It is a hard thing to decide.

I was saddened to see that they found the body of that missing girl in Florida. What is with these sickos who kidnap and kill little kids?? They prey on innocent, defenseless kids who can't fight back. They are all a bunch of chicken-sh*ts and they all need to be locked up and deep fried!

In other news, the Lakers lost yet another game, bringing their losing streak to 5 games in a row. Come on guys! Get it together!!!!

I wonder who will get kicked off American Idol this week...will it be Nikko....perhaps, Mikalah....I wonder....

South Park looks like it will be good this week. On episode 903, Cartman plans a way to ride Token's success and get a share of his earnings. Cartman is always the king of money making (and losing his money too). Check it out on Wednesday at 10 pm on Comedy Central.

Looks like we're in for more rain this week. I checked out the forecast (as I always do - lol), and it shows showers for tomorrow thru Thursday. I hope it doesn't downpour like it did before! I don't like driving in the rain.

Well, it is about a quarter to five now, so I get to go home soon. YIPPEE! Monday will be history in a matter of hours. One down, 3 more to go : )

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