Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Feelin' funky

I'm in a sort of funk lately. I can't get motivated to do anything, thus my unmade bed and some of last week's laundry still on hangers on my doorknob. My computer is misbehaving as well. For some reason, I can't get my cd-rom drive to load up any cd-rom programs or play any audio cds. UGH! Sometimes I feel like the force is against me - lol. I got some new programs at home (before the cd drive debacle happened) for my computer, and I have been trying to learn how to use em. I got Photoshop 7, Paint Shop Pro 8 and Adobe Illustrator. I like art and I want to learn to make some graphics (yes, I am a geek). That is the only motivation I have had as of late. I sit and try to write sometimes, but I can't think of anything good to write. And sometimes when I do write, it seems pretty good at the time, but then when I go to read it later on, it seems like crap. I dunno. Maybe I am too hard on myself.

The truth is, I haven't written a poem or story in months. I haven't even sketched anything in the last few months, aside from my doodles at work. I get obsessed with things for a while, then get bored and find something new to get obsessed over. Like drawing...I was drawing all the time for a while...then I started in on writing... then playing guitar...then it was computer stuff. I wish I could just find something to do and stick with it - lol.

I am always sleepy these days. I think I have become somewhat jaded as far as work goes. It was nice at first to not have to deal with cases and clients, but sometimes I get so bored. There are only so many games I can play...(and Yahoo only has one new crossword puzzle per day - lol). Still, I would rather not be overloaded with work again. I would like to obtain some kind of happy medium...not too much work, but not too little. People will probably think I am crazy for wanting work - lol. I do get to be in charge of the decorating for the 4th of July in our unit. That is something right up my alley - hehe.

Here it is, Wednesday...Hump Day. It feels like it should be Friday already. This week is dragging along....crawling along more like it. And it is not even 3 pm yet. Sheesh. Why does time never fly when you are doing something you don't like doing, but fly by too fast when you are enjoying yourself? One of life's little unfairnesses I guess.

I can't wait for my vacation! I really can't. I am so looking foward to not having to get up early in the morning just to go to work. Even if it is only for a week or so. Plus, I get to see the Grand Canyon for the first time. I know it doesn't seem like much, but to me, it is a lot. I am gonna take so many pictures! Also, I may go back to Yosemite next weekend, since all of the roads (except Tioga Rd) are now open. I love that place. It is so pretty there. Chris talked about it, so we'll see what happens.

Ok, I have blabbed on for long enough. Time to get back to work.

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